The document ‘Antigypsyism – a reference paper’ proposes a working definition of antigypsyism, that reflects a broad but systematic understanding of the phenomenon. The paper explores characteristics and background of antigypsyism, as well as the dimensions along which it manifests itself.

Antigypsyism is the specific racism towards Roma, Sinti, Travellers and others who are stigmatized as ‘gypsies’ in the public imagination. Although the term is finding increasing institutional recognition, there is as yet no common understanding of its nature and implications. Antigypsyism is often used in a narrow sense to indicate anti-Roma attitudes or the expression of negative stereotypes in the public sphere or hate speech. However, antigypsyism gives rise to a much wider spectrum of discriminatory expressions and practices, including many implicit or hidden manifestations. Antigypsyism is not only about what is being said, but also about what is being done and what is not being done. To recognize its full impact, a more precise understanding is crucial.

Translations & Downloads

Reference Paper on Antigypsyism

The document ‘Antigypsyism – a reference paper’ proposes a working definition of antigypsyism, that reflects a broad but systematic understanding of the phenomenon. The paper explores characteristics and background of antigypsyism, as well as the dimensions along which it manifests itself.

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Documento Marco contra el Antigitanismo

En este documento, la Alianza contra el Antigitanismo propone un marco que aborda una concepción sistémica del antigitanismo. Este documento recoge los elementos constitutivos del antigitanismo y las conexiones entre sus diferentes dimensiones. El objetivo general es orientar la formulación de políticas públicas dirigidas a combatir el fenómeno del antigitanismo, en sus diferentes manifestaciones y complejidad.

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Antitsiganisme – un document de référence

Le document ‘Antitsiganisme – texte de référence’ propose ici une définition de travail qui reflète une conception systématique de l’antitsiganisme. Ce document esquisse ses caractéristiques clés, les liens entre ses différents aspects, et la myriade de ses manifestations, lesquelles exigent des interventions spécifiques.

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Антиджипсизмът – референтен доклад

В настоящата разработка Алиансът срещу антиджипсизма предлага работна дефиниция, която обяснява специфичната концепция за явлението. Настоящата разработка очертава ключовите характеристики на явлението, връзките между различните му аспекти и неговите безбройни проявления, които изискват специфични подходи.

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Grundlagenpapier Antiziganismus

Die Allianz gegen Antiziganismus hat 2016 ein Grundlagenpapier zum Thema Antiziganismus herausgegeben. Dieses Grundlagenpapier soll zu einem besseren gemeinsamen Verständnis dieser Form des Rassismus führen, wesentliche Merkmale und Erscheinungsformen beschreiben und dadurch dazu beitragen, europaweit effektive Maßnahmen zur Bekämpfung von Antiziganismus zu entwickeln.

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Antigypsyism is a historically constructed, persistent complex of customary racism against social groups identified under the stigma ‘gypsy’ or other related terms, and incorporates:     
  1. A homogenizing and essentializing perception and description of these groups;    
  2. The attribution of specific characteristics to them;    
  3. Discriminating social structures and violent practices that emerge against that background, which have a degrading and ostracizing effect and which reproduce structural disadvantages.